Have you ever felt discomfort in your hip area between your stomach and thigh? You may be experiencing groin pain. Also, you can feel the pain within the area where your abdomen ends, and your legs begin.
Groin pain is commonly a result of an injury from physical activity such as playing sports. Athletes commonly experienced having a groin strain or pulled muscles.
What are Common Causes of Groin Pain?
One of the common causes of groin pain, and often the first one you will face is a minor injury or pulled muscle. This is among the common indicator that you have some form of groin pain.
Even a study published in BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine showed that groin pain commonly happens in Athletes playing contact sport.
Another common reason for groin pain is an inguinal hernia. This is a very common cause for groin pain because it usually goes undetected until the patient goes to the emergency room and there is an actual bulge in the groin area. Most people don’t know that there is a bulge in the inguinal hernia until they notice an excruciating pain when performing some form of physical activity.
There are also other reasons for groin pain it can be having kidney stones, bone fractures, intestinal inflammation, testicular inflammation, enlarged lymph nodes, ovarian cysts, pinched nerves and etc.
No matter what the reason for the groin pain, it is important to see a doctor right away to ensure that the situation isn’t potentially life-threatening.
Even the smallest increase in friction, such as what can happen when doing some aerobics or walking around, can cause serious injury that may require surgery in the future. To avoid this possibility, it is vital to consult with a physiotherapist who specializes in treating groin pain. Not only can they perform exercises that can strengthen the muscles in the groin area, but they can also refer you to Kinesiologist who can perform exercises that will strengthen your ligaments to alleviate the pain you are currently experiencing.
How to diagnose if you have Groin Pain?
Common symptoms associated with this condition include: a tight feeling or pinch around the groin area, sharp pain when moving the muscles, and a tight feeling in the lower abdomen. If you experience just mild pain and for a short period, there’s no need to seek medical attention. However, if you are experiencing severe pain, it’s time to seek help.
Common symptoms associated with this condition include: a tight feeling or pinch around the groin area, sharp pain when moving the muscles, and a tight feeling in the lower abdomen. If you experience just mild pain and for a short period, there’s no need to seek medical attention. However, if you are experiencing severe pain, it’s time to seek help.
To diagnose the cause of your groin pain, the doctor may do a hernia test, an x-ray, ultrasound, or even a complete blood count to see if you have a recent infection.
What are the Treatments for Groin Pain?
If it’s just a minor strain or just a mild pain, you can rest at home. You may need to stop temporarily from doing a physical activity for about two to three weeks to allow your body to recover naturally. Pain medications and applying ice packs are needed to alleviate the pain.
What if you have severe groin pain? This will depend on the diagnosis. If the groin pain comes from a fracture or an inguinal hernia, surgery may be needed.
If you have recurring pain, seeking a physiotherapist is needed. They can help you prevent groin pain. They can give you some exercises and stretches that can works best with groin pain.
Best Exercises and Stretches for Groin Pain that You can Try
Groin Activation against the Wall
- Start by lifting your right leg or the affected area to hip level, while standing on your left leg and putting your right hand on your left shoulder.
- Have your left hand hold a pole or a stick
- Hold on to this position for about 10-20 seconds. You will feel the stretch on your groin.
- You may repeat it on the opposite leg.
Single-Leg Rock Back Exercise
- Have your knee placed in a mat, or you may also use a pillow while your foot is aligned inside this knee.
- Then, put two hands on the ground about 2 feet away from your knee.
- Your other leg must be in a straight leg position where it is extended on the side while keeping your foot flat on the ground. Make sure that your back is flat.
- Then, it’s time to push your butt backward going to your heels.
- Then, return to the original position while you’re into deeper hip flexion.
- Do it for about 3-5 repetitions.
Please note that in doing this exercise make sure that your back is flat.
Hip Adductor Stretch
- Start by lying on your back, with your knees up while your feet are flat on the ground and your arms are on the side and your palms are facing the ground.
- Then, extend your left knee touching the ground.
- Then, returned to the original position.
- Do this for about 3-5 repetitions. You may also repeat it on the other knee.
Hip Adductor Butterfly Stretch
- Start by sitting down on the floor having your legs in front of you.
- Place the bottom of your feet together and using your two hands start to pull your feet towards you in a butterfly stretch position. Make sure that you feel the stretch.
- Hold this position for about 10 seconds.
- You may repeat 2-3 times.
Frog Rock Back
- Start by kneeling on the floor with your hands on the ground that acts as support.
- Spread your knees on the side while you turn your toes out and lay the inside of the feet on the floor.
- Then, sit your butt at the back while keeping your knees wide. You must also feel the stretch as you do this.
- Remember to breathe while you sit back and hold this position for about a second or two before going forward.
- You may rock back and forth about 2-3 times while you are further opening your knees.
Foam Rolling Adductor
- Lay on your front with your forearms and the other leg supporting your body.
- Place your left leg on the foam roller.
- Slowly roll down the foam roller at a speed of 1inch per second.
- As you reach a tender spot on your adductor, hold the foam roller for about 30 seconds. You have to breathe while doing this. Keep the muscles relaxed as you do the foam rolling.
- Spend only for about 1 to 2 minutes.
Foam Rolling Quad and Hip Flexors
- Start by facing the ground while your arms act as your support.
- Place the foam roller under your hips.
- Slowly start rolling up and down on your quad and hip flexor muscles.
- When you find a tight spot, it’s time to bend and extend your lower leg about 20 times. You will feel that tightness is loosening up.
- You can only spend about a minute or 2 two for those areas.
Bridge with Ball Squeeze
- Begin by having your back on the floor while your feet are on the ground and about twelve to sixteen inches from your glutes.
- Place the ball between your knees
- Then, it’s time to push your feet on the floor as you lift your pelvis in a neutral bridge position. Make sure that you are able to see your pelvis as you lift your pelvis up.
- Hold this position as you squeeze the ball about twenty times.
- Then, return to the starting position. And, this one repetition.
- You need to do about three sets (5 repetitions to complete a set).
In each exercise or stretching, make sure that you will feel the stretch on your groin area and not the pain. These exercises must relax the muscles. It is also vital to follow proper posture such as staying the back flat and not overarching your spine. Remember that the primary focus of these exercises is to strengthen the groin area.
If you have questions about these exercises don’t hesitate to contact us. Our Physiotherapists are always ready to help you with your groin pain.
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